❯ cat intro.md
71Hello, World! 👋 I'm Jinjun Peng, a PhD student at [SSL](https://systems.cs.columbia.edu/).
3I am working on research about AI × SE, specifically on building code LLMs with better semantics in terms of functionality and and safety.
5Welcome to contact me! If you want to collaborate with me or my advisors, feel free to drop an email.
7For Columbia people, please reach me via Columbia email.
❯ cat pub.md
111SemCoder: Training Code Language Models with Comprehensive Semantics
2- Yangruibo Ding, Jinjun Peng, Marcus J Min, Gail Kaiser, Junfeng Yang, Baishakhi Ray
3- [arXiv:2406.01006](http://arxiv.org/abs/2406.01006)
5[ESEC/FSE '23 **Distinguished Paper**] NeuRI: Diversifying DNN Generation via Inductive Rule Inference
6- Jiawei Liu, Jinjun Peng, Yuyao Wang, and Lingming Zhang
7- [arXiv:2302.02261](http://arxiv.org/abs/2302.02261)
9[OOPSLA '24] Quarl: A Learning-Based Quantum Circuit Optimizer
10- Zikun Li, Jinjun Peng, Yixuan Mei, Sina Lin, Yi Wu, Oded Padon, Zhihao Jia
11- [arXiv:2307.10120](https://arxiv.org/abs/2307.10120)
❯ cat exp.md
91**University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, iSE-UIUC**, *Research Assistant*, 2022.08 - 2023.02
2- Mentored by [Prof. Lingming Zhang](http://lingming.cs.illinois.edu/)
3- Improved [NNSmith](https://github.com/ise-uiuc/nnsmith), a fuzz testing framework for deep learning compilers.
4- Closely work with [Jiawei Liu](https://jiawei-site.github.io/)
6**Carnegie Mellon University, Catalyst Group**, *Research Assistant*, 2022.02 - 2023.04
7- Mentored by [Prof. Zhihao Jia](https://www.cs.cmu.edu/~zhihaoj2/)
8- Developed a RL method for quantum circuit optimization.
9- Closely work with [Zikun Li](https://zikun-li.github.io/)
❯ cat edu.md
81**Columbia University**, PhD student, 2023 - 2028 (hopefully 🙏)
2- Lukily advised by Professors [Baishakhi Ray](https://www.rayb.info/) and [Junfeng Yang](http://www.cs.columbia.edu/~junfeng/).
4**Tsinghua University**, *B.E.*, 2019 - 2023
5- Department of Computer Science and Technology
7**Beijing National Day School**, 2016 - 2019
8- Always be proud of this unique school where students' dignity, individuality, and freedom are *highly* respected, which is rare in mainland China.
❯ cat ack.md
1- [Always] My friends, mentors, and collaborators.
2Compute Resource:
3- [2024] NSF ACCESS Program
4- [2024] OpenAI Researcher Access Program
6- [2023] NSF Student Travel Award